
Showing posts from November, 2017

Volume chart of foundation

Volume chart of foundation  click hare to download

OHE Inspection Car (Tower Wagon)

OHE Inspection Car (Tower Wagon) 1. OHE inspection car has a key role in the maintenance of OHE and for attending to break-downs. The satisfactory upkeep of the car is, therefore, of utmost importance. ATFO (OHE) should ensure that the car under his control is maintained satisfactorily and is available at all times for attending to OHE and for use in the event of break-downs. Each car should carry necessary tools for maintenance of OHE and attending to break-downs, such .as tackles, straining screws, clamps, ropes, a minimum of two ladders as well as an adequate stock of insulators, lengths of contact and catenary wires and other OHE fittings. An approved list of tools and equipment to be carried in each car should be issued by DEE (TrD). ATFO (OHE) should ensure that tools and equipment as per the approved list are always available in the car. 2. A monthly mechanical inspection of the bogies and running gear of each car shall be done by a nominated TXR of the Mechanica...

Rail Level and Setting Distance

Rail Level and Setting Distance Structure Erection Drawings (SEDs) show setting distance or implantation of the OHE masts i.e., distance of the nearest part of mast from the centre line of the nearest track as well as the height of the contact wire from rail level at each location. These are with reference to alignment and level of the track at the time of erection of OHE. Before electrification work is taken up, it should be ensured that the track alignment and level are finalized. This is particularly so in the case of yards under remodelling. Any change in alignment due to slewing of tracks will affect the setting distance and consequently the stagger of the contact wire. At locations where the setting is critical i.e., close to the minimum permissible value, slewing of track may result in infringement of the moving dimensions with consequent danger of accidents. Change in rail level due to variation in ballast cushion or packing up or packing down of the track will also r...

RI no of all types of railway material used in OHE

All links are given below these ri number is used in widly.   click hare  to download file