OHE Inspection Car (Tower Wagon)
OHE Inspection Car (Tower Wagon)

1. OHE inspection car has a key role in the maintenance of OHE and for attending to break-downs. The satisfactory upkeep of the car is, therefore, of utmost importance. ATFO (OHE) should ensure that the car under his control is maintained satisfactorily and is available at all times for attending to OHE and for use in the event of break-downs.
Each car should carry necessary tools for maintenance of OHE and attending to break-downs, such .as tackles, straining screws, clamps, ropes, a minimum of two ladders as well as an adequate stock of insulators, lengths of contact and catenary wires and other OHE fittings. An approved list of tools and equipment to be carried in each car should be issued by DEE (TrD). ATFO (OHE) should ensure that tools and equipment as per the approved list are always available in the car.
2. A monthly mechanical inspection of the bogies and running gear of each car shall be done by a nominated TXR of the Mechanical Department, headquartered close to the OHE depot where the car is normally stabled. For each car on a Zonal Railway, the TXR responsible for monthly mechanical inspection will be nominated and a joint circular to this effect issued by CME and CEE laying down his duties.
The ATFO (OHE) in charge of the car will advise the TXR concerned the date on which it is required to be inspected and running repairs carried out. Such advise shall be given at least 48 h in advance. ATFO(OHE) should ensure that this monthly advice is issued regularly and the car is offered for inspection and attended to every month. The TXR will arrange for examination of bogies, running gear, under frame, under-gear fittings and axle boxes only, in accordance with IRCA rules, Part-Ill. He will also arrange for stencilling the date of monthly examination on the sole bar of the car. The POH of the car shall be done at an interval of 3 years in an EMU shop/electric loco shed/Bee workshop, as decided by CEE. (Ref. Board's letter no. 84/Elec/140/4 vol. I dt. 1.3.90).
3. The day-to-day maintenance of the diesel engines and driving gear of the car will be the responsibility of the ATFO (OHE) concerned. The OHE inspection car Drivers should carry out the daily maintenance. Specialist staff conversant with the maintenance and overhaul of diesel engines and driving gear should be available on each division for attending to monthly and six monthly maintenance of the diesel engines and driving gear. If it is more convenient and depending upon the work load, two or three Divisions may be grouped together for the purpose of posting such specialist staff.
4. Taking into account the total number of OHE inspection cars and the need for relief of such cars for purpose of POH etc. in each Zonal Railway, one or more spare OHE inspection cars may be provided as necessary.
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